Conceived entirely in Blender 3.0, this pud spot unveiled strange and bewitching worlds, transporting viewers into a unique universe where imagination knew no bounds. Collaborating on the...
Opener animation for the Swiss Military Police annual rapport of 2022
Loop video to be displayed in the night club “M-Club” inside the clubs on 3 giant area
Does it look believable ? 3D animation made on the track of Fisik and Ben Kissingen.
Visuals for the release of my track : PROTHEA When life becomes too real and we can’t hold back what is about to be. When raw emotion...
Combination of videos and particle systems with visuals, special effects.
Experimenting various technics of particles emission and animation style.
By over analyzing and over thinking everything, we separate the body from the mind. Here’s a reminder that we exist as a whole. A beautiful fusion...
We are look forward to welcoming you in Geneva for the World Chambers Congress from June 21st – 23rd 2023
A look back at the CORONA 20 engagement of territorial division 1
NAS servers designed by QNAP facilitate creation and teamwork. This is why these artists wanted to illustrate the simplicity and the power of this flow of creativity...
2093 tree are growing faster than I thought 3D animation made on the track of OXSA.
Television teaser for future events. Project made in collaboration with Studio Corium Instagram Vimeo
Recorded on a bed in a Swiss bunker during my military service, I wanted to try some VFX with After Effects and motion tracking
Heavy dubstep music with more than 700 people came to see Sariban 2093 and DeadBoyz playing together during a one hour live DJing.